December 6, 2008

My Candle Party

Was a huge success with only 7 women there. It was a blast. We had a great time passing around candles, smelling all the scents and even the scents from the bottles. I took the bottles with me that were not made and it was great because I had noone ask me, I wonder what this Vanilla Lilac smells like. I took them all with me so if they were curious, they were there!

With 7 girls at a party, I made alittle over $400 which I thought was awesome! I was stoked because that is Christmas money!

The girls love my lids. They said that is what makes the candle so unique, the lids! I have my own basic label which is cool so I have my own everything with no copying from anyone.

After my surgery inJanuary I have a class for the woodwick burning candles. They are awesome. They have a fire place crackling sound with the great scent you choose. I am so stoked about these new candles and I already have 8 woemn interested in them, LOL.

Go to my Myspace to see the new scents I made with the lids. I think hey are so cute but here are a few I did for the party.

November 23, 2008

Candles For Dec 5th Party

Here are a few photos I took for the December 5th Candle party. I have ALOT more to make but I thought I would share some of them here. There is one that I did 1/2 and 1/2 but in the photo you can hardly tell. Most of the candles I didn't do the lids yet so they look so plain and yucky!!

Here they are =)

November 21, 2008

Paying by checks

Before i tell my story here I want to let everyone know that I found a girl that is willing to make a website for me with paypal and all on it. She is actually a friend of Joe's 3rd cousin who we just met in the summer, LOl. The website designer's name is Amber and she seems really cool and since I don't have money to give her for her time, it is free candles to her! She is going to start working on my site this weekend, I am so stoked about it! I'll be sure to pass the link when it is done!

Now for my story on paying by checks.

I had this woman write me from Texas saying she seen my advertisement on Yahoo from a mutual friend we both have together. She wanted a 26 os candle of Cinnamon Vanilla and of course with the 26 oz's you get a free 5 oz. I made them and sent them out. She also stated she sent out the check so I figured at least 3 days from Texas. Well today is Friday and it was last Tuesday that she sent the check and I still have yet to see the check so I Think I got screwed. I stipulated on Craig's list if you are paying by check I am going to make sure the check clears before I send out any orders which may take up to 10 days. Sorry but it's business and I just got my 1st screw over. Can you believe that crap?????

Here when she got the candle on Monday she said the mouth of the candle was broke. I insisted on making her a new one with her special label she wanted. She DID NOT want me to make it but I said you paid for a candle, not a broken one. Well guess what! I am not making this woman a new candle and sending it anywhere until I see a check, which I know I won't anyway!

So there we have, my very first screw over on candles!

November 18, 2008

Few little Candles I made for orders

Here are a few photos I took of the candles I made. Some people change the color of the candle to match theor decor which I think is great, it fools people sometmes when you are burning cinnamon buns but you have a purple candle lit, LOL.

I love making them and decrating them with pretty flowers. I tell everyone they ccan change the label too if they want. The woman in Texas asked for a a special label to be made for her daughter who has a disease. i said heck yea, it is no problem at all. She wanted to pay more,I said no cause I have to make the label anyway so no, I will make it. I will show you the candle I m ade for her daughter but it is kinda hard to read cause my camera sucks so bad!

November 12, 2008

My Myspace Website Addy

Well I made a candle site on Myspace for now until I get to understand this ecommerce stuff and all. Here is my addy, add me if you like.

One Autism candle was purchased by a good friend of mine so $7.50 of the purchased price went to the Autism Foundation... I am so excited!!!

Hope all is well and I will write later, I have to get kids ready for school and make some candles =)


November 7, 2008

The Candle Party

The party was a HUGE success. I took 25 candles with me, all different sizes and took the fragrances with me that were not at the party so people could smell the scent if hey wanted. After awhile of smelling them they all seem to smell the way way or you can't smell it at all, LOL.

Anyway, I was expecting at least $250 from the party. Well certain could not make it to the party so they sent their orders in to Lisa (the Hostess). After I calculated all the sales from the party and he orders that were sent in for the party it was a little over $500 in sales. Now I got an e-mail this morning from Lisa's Mom who want 3 candles, the Autism, The Down Syndrome and the Pediatric Stroke candles, so right there is $75.00 BUT $22.25 is going out to the foundations, which I think is Marvelous! So I pretty much made $600 from the party. All but maybe 6 candles I made were sold at the party so I only have to make 25 candles.. 28 now, LOL. I don't think that is bad ya know.

I was happy with the outcome and it was fun. I had 2 games to play there last night. The first game was everyone was to give me their order paper and I pulled out a name. I just so happened to pull out Donna who is Lisa's Mother in law. ( now remember, Lisa's baby was Down Syndrome) and Donna HAD a brother who recently just passed away from Down Syndrome. How weird is that!?!?! It was like an omen that she get this candle.

The 2nd game i did was pass the the candle around for 2 minutes and whoever has the candle in their hands get to pick ANY 16 oz candle on the table that was left. Alittle girl had the candle but her Mom helped her pick ou the candle they wanted, LOL. I found it cute and funny!

I am trying to get Vernae to host a party after Thanksgiving. Candles are nice gifts ya know and since she has a daycare and knows alot of Mom's, she would be the perfect peron to have a party with.

Lisa got the free candles I made her, the 2 in the glass domes in my previous blog pus she sold over $400 worth of candles so she got 50% of her order which she didn't do yet, LOL. So Lisa did well too!

I am happy and everyone kept complimenting me on the lids of the candles and how beautiful they were and how that was just a wonder idea, and how did I think of it?!!! I don't know, I just had flowers one day here and said let me put flowers inthe lids, and BAM!

I am trying to find a GOOD websie where I can have my own domain and out on there different links such as colors, scents, seasonal scents, sizes, preices and etc... I also need a page where paypal can be and UPS for delivery. I don;t know nothing about this stuff. Can comeone help me out please????

Ok... I need to drink some coffee here, it is 5:38 am and I just went to bed at 1:00 am. Darn Jonny don't sleep good at all and it drives me nuts!!!!

Love to you all~!

November 5, 2008

More Pics To See

Here are more pics, Blogger only allows so many and my camera photos are TOO big so I have to do it this way.

The pic of the 2 glasses is a special gift to my cousin. Her son has Down Syndrome and they are the colors of Downs so that her gift for having the party and her discounts at the end of the night.

Some Pics Of Candles From Orders

Here are some of the pics I took, they are all orders and yes, some are not decorated in the lids because I have yet to get to it but I am today! The LEMONGRASS is YUMMY! Hope you are well. I am doing this Blog than taking a nap. Hope you like the candles =)


November 4, 2008

Got The New Scents

In today but I have yet to open them to smell the sweet scents. I am exhausted. I got an order today after I have already made 7 different candles and a special one for my cousin who has the baby with Down Syndrome. As I was almost done making a candy cane candle, candy corn, the special one and a raspberry one, I got an e-mail for 7 10 oz candles, different scents. I got them all done today and than after that I got another order for a 26 oz candle. I am WHOOPED!!!! I am going to experiment with the new scents tomorrow and I will take pics of ALL the candles I made today and the ones I will make tomorrow as well. I know this is a short entry but I am tired and all i smell is like 20 different flavors of candles... is it good or bad?!?! It's good but it is starting to bother my nasal area, LOL.

Pics tomorrow!!

November 3, 2008

My New Scents

Will be here Wednesday and I cannot wait to use them and smell the sweet scents they throw off. I'll take pics when I make them and let you know how they turned out, I am so excited...... Excited over scents??? LOL Yea I am! I cannot wait to get them!!

The party is Thursday night, I hope it turns out to be a success and than gives me good business in the long run!